We took a coach from Golden Mile at an unnerving time of 8am, well at least for the nocturnal me. Lucky for me, I am also blessed with a sleep-anytime, sleep-anywhere, sleep-anyhow skill. It was a pretty short journey and I am so surprised we have arrived the moment I woke up four hours later! Soon after, we checked into our really awesome room in Hotel Equatorial. All of us fell in love with the room at first sight, it's so spacious and comfortable! Hotel Equatorial really did not disappoint.
These are our beds!! Two super singles and there's still space for an extra bed!! Awesome or what! Compared to the room we stayed in Genting, this is XXL! :D
Having a cosy nook is a bonus! We love it so much we had breakfast and supper there three days straight!
The above pic is taken from the hotel's website. What you see is really what you get! But we don't have wide lens camera so our pictures didn't turn out like this. But the room! It's one of the most treasured things we truly cherish (and fully exploited) in this trip heh.
Bedroom slippers also must take group picture hahaha!
The view from our room. Mandatory picture if you have a good view right? And we do! :D
Malacca, a marriage between a fascinating past and the modern future. Intrigued by the alluring laid-back charm from its architecture to its culture.
Soaking up the Christmas atmosphere..
We didn't do much on the first day, decided to just check out the malls and walk around leisurely. And we found a gem! It's a shop called Mr DIY which sells almost everything, somewhat like Daiso. This is Syl's mum posing with an uber mini umbrella lol. We were all trying to guess who uses them, dwarfs?? Haha and she held it up like that! That moment was priceless. Why you so cute!
Although everything is not $2 each, we bought accessory boxes and baskets at a very reasonable price. The only problem I had was lugging them back to SG as they take up A LOT of space. >< But who considers that when it's so worth it right!!
Some other stuff we found in the shop, a very very big and colourful umbrella! Another umbrella -.- Didn't realize till I typed it out hahaha I think we have a thing for brollies.
The day passed by quickly and it was time for dinner! Syl's dad was very nice to play host and bring us out for dinner.
Behold! This is the much raved about Cheese Beehoon! It's so good, so good, so good!! Words can't express the heavenly taste of this dish. I'm missing this so bad right now T_______T Adding this to my list of heaven food - food which heaven ought to have, if not I'm not going there.
Another innovative dish. Looks like regular sotong doesn't it? But! The interesting part is the breadcrumbs that are sprinkled on top, the crisp crumbs add texture and a toasty flavour to the dish. Why are the people in Malacca so creative!
Another surprise. Don't judge this drink by its looks, it's the yummiest mango juice I've tasted! It's mango and sour plum juice. The refreshing taste tantalizes the taste buds and makes one yearn for more. Perfection in every way.
And look what I found after dinner!! One of my favourites and must-haves whenever I'm in Malaysia :D
Moving on to supper.. Haha we really eat a lot :P Couldn't miss out on the renowned Nadeje crepe cakes! They are yummmm but overrated in my opinion.
We didn't wanna get drunk so we had sparkling red grape juice instead of red wine. This is a wonderful choice paired with my rum and raisin crepe cake! Wonder if SG carries this too.
Cheers to our first Christmas and many more to come! ^v^
What better way to end the night than unwrapping pressies!! :D
First up! Wanting's pressie! :) Even the packaging is handmade with love. This overachiever!!
And she really went the distance!! Beautifully hand-knitted scarf!! I was really touched when I saw it cos I already knew of her plans to make one each for us. But finally seeing it really took my breath away. It took her a long time to finish and it's super tedious! I'd take a million years to complete one I think >< Thank you for having patience with two scarfs dearest, you totally deserve the most patient ever award hands down! Thank you for learning how to knit just to make this for us, thank you for showing me one can really make amazing things out of love for another. I love you dear!
It's not how much we give, it's how much love we put into giving that matters.
Sylvie's pressie is also made with love and patience. All the dainty accessories!! I LOVE ALL OF THEM TO THE MAX! Super my style, yesssss? Hehe my lovely gf knows me well :)
I feel so guilty as my gifts for them pale in comparison by a mile. ): I promise to make something next year okay!
Love receiving cards and notes, especially handwritten ones. This reminds me of our Angel Mortal game and our exchange of notes heh precious memories! So glad we are still in contact after EY. Love you Syl.
Gorgeous ribbon bracelet that matches any occasion and style! I have a feeling I'm gonna wear this to death. The ribbon and pearls bracelet is so princessy and precious, meltttttttt.
My favourite of the lot! Even the ribbon tape attached to hold the flower in place is specially designed to show xoxo. Meticulous right?! Only Syl can do this :)
Wore this immediately! Saw it trending online and asked Syl to make one! It's so pretty!! I love, love, love the gradual pop colours!
The first day ended with warm hearts and really full bellies. :) I'm so grateful and blessed to have you girls in my life. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for accepting me as I am and always letting me know I can count on you at all times. Thank you for all the effort and time in making these gifts. It requires so much patience and the intricacy of details is evident. You girls spoil me so much :') Truly love you. X