Pictures from sylvia & wanting's pre-birthday celebration! Just a humble one at my place cos I was sick, my girls are the sweetest!!! :D <3
Hehe they didn't expect the cake, so surprise surprise! :)
Lomo effect!
Candid sylvie love <3
Sylvia's presents from me!
Not forgetting Wanting's!
Haha happy kid with new bag from S :D
Wanting's pressie for S were so YUMMY!!! Choc mint cookies omgggg I demand a jar for my birthday too! Pretty please! Hehe.
LOL at the pretty daiso cards that have so lil writing space!
^ Sweetest baker in the whole of SG ^
Handmade card from S to Wanting!!
What WT did for S, super intricate details!!!
I have one too!!! Random cards are loved!!! Even the paper clips are shaped into hearts, V V V METICULOUS <3 <3 <3
Whyyyyy sooooo prettyyyyyyy!
Haha we were so lazy to get up we just cut the cake on the floor :P
Just got back from Malaysia, went for a visiting trip with Mum to her kampong (: It was also a farewell trip before two of my aunts fly to Melbourne to work, missing them alr )': Everyone cried at the airport! My very first time seeing my strong and independent yeeyee cry.. Shall go there to visit them soon!! Pics from the visiting trip!
Had dinner at this awesome valley resort about an hour's ride from our place (: The food is really yummy! And the best part is that there are no mozzies AT ALL!
Cutie cousin (: Only at 18 months but he mimics expressions perfectly, piggy snorts and all!
Ridiculously big bananas and papayas!! And a candid wow-ed me lol.
Really awesome place to chill, catch up and just enjoy the seafood!
Sisters for life (:
There are rooms for rent but as much as I like the place, I wouldn't want to stay there. Nothing to do at all :l No internet, no mahjong lol.
Bare faced! No choice but to go au naturel cos there's no water for a few days! We were so desperate we booked a hotel in another town to shower hahaha super epic! So no make up throughout the trip! (:
Happy family! (: Celebrating uncle's birthday the night before we leave.
Goofy yeeyee hahaha! This couple has unique couple teeth!
Celebrated grandpa's birthday in advance too! Two birthdays in a trip, I love birthday cakes!!! :D
Yeeyee with her newly embroidered eyebrows that looks a bit scary! But the colour will fade off in no time and hi to a feminine side of her! <3
Sexy lips *muacks*
At the airport! With luggage and all. So gonna miss you dearest yeeyee!!!
Thank you kar-mou for driving us up and down, accompanying us here and there on your rest day from morning to night!!! Really appreciate your hospitality whenever we drop by. I have the best family on earth ((((((:
Famfam collage! Loving the good times spent together! Although we don't see each other everyday but may our ties remain strong!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU!! <3
Now that I'm back, so many things to do!!! So little time. Pay bills, fix bedside chest of drawers, meet my west side baby girls, uni application, renew passport, collect graduation gown, shop for grad! Totally in need of a pocket book to jot down stuff, reason to gather my shopping kakis and SHOPPPPPP! (:
On a side note, I bought a bralet online via a one-on-one deal but it was not successful as the parcel probably got lost in the mail or somewhere ): Very very upset that I didn't receive it. Furthermore I gotta deal with an irresponsible and angsty seller who claims it's not her fault AT ALL. She didn't even apologize! How rude. Sometimes when unfortunate stuff like this happens, how I wish I have someone to call and complain or cry to. True I have awesome girlfriends but everyone has their own lives. Can't possibly bother them with small trivial matters like this.. Vexed about such petty annoyances that spoil the day. Oh well. I wish for a boyfriend to whine to! And I wish that boyfriend will be able to tolerate my incessant whining hahaha! Last but not least, WISHES, DO COME TRUE, okay!?!?!!? :D
Nothing will get me down! (: YEAH! Back to happy mood :P I think I auto tune my moods pretty easily now, which actually made me such a happy person I feel like I should spread the happiness and positive energy around LOL. Nuff crapping, xoxo
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