Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My 21st birthday!

Haha the title sounds like a primary school composition title and mine will be an imaginary intimate party with all those close to me with a fairytale-unicorns theme filled with lotsa rainbow-coloured balloons. I'll be the princess of the night and just bask in all the birthday frenzy as well as tender loving care around me. There'll be a prince too, how can a fairy tale be complete without one right? Plus, I'm officially an adult and adults have boyfriends don't they? And we shall kiss at midnight with a pretty photo of that kiss as memento. Picture perfect! Lol you must agree that was a beautiful idea!! 

Well, although mine didn't turn out that way but still, it's imperfectly perfect to me. I did not hold a party but there were pre-celebrations with the people I hold dear and they were complete with pretty princessy and yummy cakes(just like in my imagination lol)!! This year I received more grown up gifts too to mark my adulthood, which includes a trip to Bangkok with momsy which explains why I was not in Singapore and the pre-celebrations (: This birthday trip was the most awesome thing that happened to me in June 2012!!! Shall update trip details in the next post. (: 

Meanwhile, I'm still suffering from Bangkok mania, craving for the mango glutinous rice which I had as dessert everyday when I was there, As well as the tomyum soup, chendol and black canyon coffee!! Ooooo I can totally list all the things I miss there! But of course, being home still feels.. Home. I feel so safe and happy back in SG! It's a relief that nothing's bad gonna happen and everyone else you know is here. Everything you need is here. This is home, truly~ Hahaha truly a patriotic Singaporean but I'm loving it! :D 

Back to comparing reality with what I dreamed of my 21st, I did receive a balloon!! And it's even better than what I imagined. I have a hello kitty balloon! And!!! A bouquet of my favourite BIGGGGGG sunflowers! They are huge! But the sender didn't leave a name and signed off as anonymous so I take it as a creepy surprise? It was surprising yes, but at the same time a bit creepy! Haha think there's a better word to describe that but I shall leave it to that. And 21 year old me don't have a boyfriend, sadly. But have anonymous person who delivers balloons and flowers also not bad la, right?!! Hahaha! Other than that I have one thousand pictures as mementos too, taken with my beloved family and friends. I feel so so blessed and thankful I have them in my life! I'd never change a bit of my life ever. Thank you for being in my life. I don't know what I did to deserve all this love, care and concern showered on me. You guys amaze me with the capacity to love and share. I am a truly blessed and happy 21 year old soul. (:

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hakuna Matata!

HAKUNA MATATA!~ What a wonderful phrase! :D And the rest of the lyrics flow out automatically~ It means no worries for the rest of your days~ *grooves twice*~ That's all I remember -.- Hahaha this phrase is my problem free philosophy!! Ooo I think, I think! The lyrics go something like that too.. "Problem free philosophy" rings a bell. Lol anyway, Daddy has been hospitalized and I've been feeling kinda down with quite a few matters, Dad, Serene, my passport.. Sighs. This phrase is my inspiration to blog as I kept repeating it when bad things happen. They say bad things all come at once, that's valid. But I believe good things come in bundles after that too!! So nothing to worry about, just high and lows in life. But I guess it's difficult to just forget your problems. So, to distract my unhappiness I shopped for another free game in app store to divert the attention for a bit since I've been playing Dragonvale loyally for so long! And I found something!!! Happy again :D LOL.. People tell me I'm easily satisfied, I think it's true >< Back to the app.. It's a cute airplane game called Air Vacation! You can customize your hull with your very own name, motto and logo (not much choice on this actually) plus build stuff in the airplane :) Like restaurants, hot spring, library etc. I show you using pictures okay! Very very cute :D Look at the hot spring!!

Cute right!!! Okay it's a whale plane -.- But still! Haha so far I've been diligently flying all around the world and building stuff into my newly upgraded airliner, good life uh! Heh loving the game! This pic is with the hull down so the name and motto are visible, then once you open the hull... *Tada-dada!!*

You can see all the facilities you've built in it! :D Currently building a cafe in process heh can't wait to build a rock climbing wall next! I really like brainless games like that cos, no need use brains -.- lol just loyally go back and collect money and with the moolah build more stuff which generates more moolah to build more stuff!!! It's a happy vicious money making cycle, I wish there's such a routine in real life lol.

Although I love this app a lot but I never neglect my dragons too!!! Got my limited edition gem dragon for this month so a bit slack in breeding them alr hahaha :P If only it's easier to upload pictures from iPhone to the blog, I'd blog everyday!! Dragons in next post okay!! (:

This is my June calendar ^v^ Customized it using this app called WP.Calendar, it's awesome! It allows you to customize the background, the fonts, the colours plus they give you free stickers to decorate, what not to love! I changed my lock screen to this and it's meant to fit perfectly too! Mm actually not much plans yet, but it'll be filled soon!! :D June, please be good!! 

Cyberhugs to you! And remember Hakuna Matata! :D